Dealing with a breakup
Breakups are hard. Whether you are ending a marriage or a long-term relationship, the impact is the same even if you are the one who initiated it. It’s a painful time, and difficult to deal with. Even if you have lost interest in your partner or feel like you are not&
Victim of Abuse or Abusive?
Emotional abuse in a relationship is sneaky and elusive. Many times the people doing it and receiving it are not even aware that it’s even happening. It can be dangerous and damaging to your self-esteem, confidence, self-value, and respect. In a lot of cases, emotional and psyc
Raising Emotionally Intelligent children
Often I engage in conversations with other mums on ‘hot’ subjects such as punishment, attachment parenting, modern versus good old-fashioned ideas, and perceptions on educating and nurturing children. It saddens me that in this day and age, there are still many parents who
The past doesn’t define us; re-learn to trust
More than ever before, people find themselves having difficulties in trusting others, and end up feeling more distant and isolated. Trust is a fundamental concept to all human connections – from encounters with strangers to intimate relationships and loving friendships. Ev
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